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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Research on Practice and Reflections of Teaching Supervision in Secondary Colleges of Application-oriented Universities : A Case Study of Minjiang University

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DOI: 10.25236/meeit.2024.036


Yu Lin

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Yu Lin


Teaching supervision is a crucial element of the teaching quality monitoring and assurance system in secondary colleges of application-oriented universities, playing a vital role in enhancing higher education quality. This paper addresses current issues in teaching supervision in secondary colleges at applied university include inadequate team construction, limited variety in supervision methods, and the absence of effective feedback mechanisms, etc. This research proposes continuous improvement strategies based on these issues. Meanwhile, it was firstly shared the effective explorations and practices of the Clothing and Design Faculty at Minjiang University in team construction, teaching supervision modes, feedback mechanisms, and incentive systems, aiming to provide insights and references for further advancing teaching supervision and enhancing teaching quality and increasing supervision effectiveness.


Teaching Supervision, Secondary Colleges, Application-oriented Universities, Team Construction, Feedback Mechanism