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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Modern inheritance of classics: The embodiment and cultural inheritance of the spirit of Huren Uliger's Chinese studies

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DOI: 10.25236/iemetc.2024.028


Bao Dudagula

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Bao Dudagula


This paper focuses on the in-depth discussion of the traditional Mongolian rap art form - Hulen Uliger.The purpose is to explore the essence of Chinese traditional culture contained in it, and analyze how to realize the heritage of this cultural spirit from classical to modern. In terms of research methods, this paper uses literature analysis to analyze the Confucianism integrated in Huren Uliger in detail, in order to reveal its unique contribution and value in protecting and promoting the spirit of traditional Chinese culture and in the process of cultural inheritance.


Hulen Uliger; The spirit of sinology; Confucianism; Cultural inheritance