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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Media Elements and Their Applications in Graphic Design from a Humanized Perspective

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.107


Zhiyuan Ying

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Zhiyuan Ying


The humanized perspective plays a crucial role in graphic design, advocating for the core of human needs and feelings, and pursuing the practicality, aesthetics, and emotional resonance of design. In the application of media elements, a humanized perspective requires designers to deeply study the audience, accurately select media elements and design techniques, and achieve innovation and integration. Designers create visual experiences that meet people's psychological needs by carefully utilizing media elements such as color, graphics, and text, thereby improving the quality of their works and user experience. A humanized perspective also emphasizes the environmental and sustainable aspects of design, promoting the development of graphic design towards a more green and environmentally friendly direction. With the progress of the times and changes in people's needs, a humanized perspective will continue to lead the development trend of graphic design, providing strong support for creating more outstanding and more in line with people's needs design works. The application of a humanized perspective will inject new vitality into the field of graphic design and promote its continuous development.


Humanized perspective; Graphic design; Media elements