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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Discussion on the Reform of Teaching Content of Architectural Engineering Technology Specialty in Universities

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.105


Li Ling

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Li Ling


This article mainly discusses the reform of teaching content of architectural engineering technology specialty in universities in order to meet the needs of the current society and promote the all-round development of students. Firstly, it analyzes the concept of education reform and the theory of curriculum reform, which provides theoretical support for the reform of teaching content. Then, combined with the characteristics of architectural engineering technology specialty, the special requirements of the specialty for teaching content are pointed out. At the same time, based on case analysis, this article puts forward a series of specific teaching content reform strategies and suggestions. These strategies include defining reform objectives, optimizing curriculum structure, updating teaching content, innovating teaching methods and reforming evaluation system. These suggestions are aimed at improving teaching quality and cultivating students' comprehensive quality and practical ability. Generally speaking, this article provides comprehensive guidance and reference for the teaching content reform of architectural engineering technology specialty in universities through theoretical analysis, case comparison and strategic suggestions.


Construction engineering technology; Teaching reform; Innovate