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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press
Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Strategies for the Construction of Enterprise Management Innovation Space under the Influence of Multivariables

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.104


Zhanzhi Ding

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Zhanzhi Ding


With globalization, scientific and technological progress and intensified market competition, enterprise management is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Under this background, this paper first analyzes the multivariate environment faced by current enterprise management, including the changes of economic environment, technological development, market competition and other multivariate factors and their influence on enterprise management strategy. In order to meet these challenges, this paper puts forward the construction strategy of enterprise management innovation space, covering organizational structure adjustment, process optimization and reengineering, human resource management innovation and corporate culture construction and innovation. Through the analysis of specific cases, this paper also refines the experience and strategies of successful enterprises in management innovation in multivariable environment. These strategies have important reference significance for guiding other enterprises to realize management innovation in the complex and changeable market environment. Through the research, it is concluded that enterprise management innovation is the key to deal with the challenges of multi-variable environment, and flexible organizational structure, efficient business processes, innovative human resource management and innovative corporate culture are the important pillars of enterprise management innovation space.


Globalization; Multivariable; Enterprise management; Innovate