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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Problems and Countermeasures in Environmental Impact Assessment of Hazardous Waste Treatment Projects

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DOI: 10.25236/icmmct.2024.029


Feng Sun, Liming Zhou

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Feng Sun


With the rapid growth of China's economy and society, the amount of hazardous waste generated has shown an increasing trend year by year. Hazardous waste poses a serious threat to the environment and human health due to its unique physical, chemical, and biological properties, such as corrosiveness, toxicity, flammability, and reactivity. Therefore, safe and effective disposal of hazardous waste is crucial. The centralized incineration and disposal project of hazardous waste, as a common treatment method, has high environmental sensitivity and social attention. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) plays a crucial role in this process. EIA aims to assess the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects and propose corresponding prevention and mitigation measures, thereby providing scientific basis for decision-makers. EIA emphasizes seeking a balance between economic growth and environmental protection, which helps promote the sustainable growth of hazardous waste treatment projects and achieve coordinated growth of economy, society, and environment. This article explores the problems of EIA in hazardous waste treatment projects and proposes countermeasures.


Hazardous waste treatment projects; Environmental impact assessment; Problems and Countermeasures