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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Discussion on coal mine safety production monitoring and communication technology

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DOI: 10.25236/icmmct.2024.007


Zhenchun Ren

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Zhenchun Ren


Coal mine safety production monitoring and communication technology is the key to ensure the safe and efficient operation of coal mine. This paper first analyzes the importance of coal mine production safety monitoring, and points out its positive role in preventing accidents, protecting miners' life safety and improving production efficiency. Then, this paper summarizes the status quo of China's coal mine monitoring and communication technology, and finds that there are still problems such as imperfect technical standards, low degree of automation intelligence, and insufficient dynamic real-time monitoring ability. Finally, this paper looks forward to the future development direction of coal mine safety monitoring and communication technology, including accurate personnel positioning, the establishment of mining Internet of things and integrated communication system, the application of ground remote control and life detection technology, and the improvement of major disaster warning.


coal mine safety; Production monitoring; Communication technology