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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on the Balance of Emotions and Techniques in Modern Piano Performance

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.102


Lv Xinkai

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Lv Xinkai


The balance between emotions and skills is crucial in piano performance. In the process of modern piano performance, performers not only need to deeply explore the content of musical works, but also fully consider the influence of their own emotional factors on the overall emotional expression of the works, in order to ensure the artistic value of piano works. In the process of modern piano performance, performers need to have good control over their psychological state and take necessary measures to ensure a balance between emotions and skills during the piano performance. This article mainly analyzes the balance between emotions and techniques in modern piano performance, and proposes training points in the hope of helping modern piano players improve their performance level.


Piano performance; Emotions; Skills; balance