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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Study on Interactive Relationship of Heroic Images and Folk Beliefs - The King of the Bronze Drums and Beowulf

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.100


Lu Hu, Jia Ren, Lingling Zhang, Baiding Gong

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Jia Ren


The King of the Bronze Drums and Beowulf both showcase the interplay between heroic images and folk beliefs. In The King of the Bronze Drums, heroes are divine beings venerated by the Yi, highlighting Yi culture. Beowulf’s heroes symbolize valour and nobility influenced by British beliefs. This interaction emphasizes the role of culture and religion in shaping heroic images and societal values. Folk beliefs, with their religious and cultural elements, deeply impact societies, reinforcing cultural identities and moral values, offering new insights for cultural studies.


Heroic Images; Folk Beliefs; The King of the Bronze Drums; Beowulf; Interactive Relationship