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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Practical Research on Innovative Reform of Mathematics Education in Higher Education from the Perspective of Educational Reform

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.096


Yanfen Zhang

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Yanfen Zhang


The practical research on innovative reform of mathematics education in universities is an important topic in contemporary educational reform. With the updating of educational concepts, mathematics education in universities is gradually shifting from imparting knowledge to cultivating innovative thinking and practical abilities. In this process, the reform and innovation of teaching methods and means have become crucial. The introduction of new teaching models such as blended learning and flipped classroom has effectively stimulated students' interest and enthusiasm in learning. The reform of teaching models based on the perspective of cultivating the humanistic qualities of college students has also received much attention. By integrating mathematics and humanities, students develop mathematical proficiency along with a humanistic sensibility. Teaching content should undergo continual reform, ensuring it remains updated and optimized to align with technological and societal advancements. These reforms have enhanced the quality and effectiveness of university math education, laying a firm groundwork for nurturing talents endowed with innovation and practical skills. Studying innovative reforms in university math education holds immense importance in advancing educational modernization and refining talent cultivation.


Educational reform; College mathematics education; Innovation and reform