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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Practical Path of Building a Talent Training System for Physical Education Majors from the Perspective of Five Education Integration

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.093


Huan Yang

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Huan Yang


There are some problems in the current talent cultivation of physical education majors, including a single curriculum, traditional teaching methods, and insufficient practical teaching links. These problems limit the cultivation of comprehensive quality and innovative ability of students in physical education majors. In order to overcome these challenges, we have adopted a strategy of constructing a talent cultivation system for physical education professionals from the perspective of integrating the five aspects of education. The concept of integrating five educations emphasizes the organic combination of moral education, intellectual education, physical education, aesthetic education, and labor education, aiming to cultivate sports education professionals with comprehensive development, innovative ability, and social adaptability. To achieve this goal, we need to optimize the curriculum of physical education majors, integrate interdisciplinary knowledge, innovate teaching methods, introduce more diverse teaching methods, and strengthen practical teaching to ensure that students can receive sufficient training in practice. Building a talent cultivation system for physical education professionals from the perspective of integrating the five educations can better meet the society's demand for high-quality physical education talents, and is of great significance for promoting the sustainable development of physical education majors.


Integration of five educations; Physical education major; Talent training system