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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on the Path and Mechanism of Cultivating Psychological Quality of Post-2000 College Students Based on Positive Psychology

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.092


Haiyan Xue

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Haiyan Xue


In today's rapidly developing and constantly changing era, post-2000 university students are gradually becoming the backbone of social development with their unique personalities and distinct characteristics of the times, facing unprecedented psychological challenges. The cultivation of psychological qualities, as a crucial part of higher education, is crucial for shaping their healthy psychology and enhancing their social adaptability. Post-2000 university students grew up in an era of information explosion, with a complex and diverse psychological world. Factors such as social competition and academic pressure have increased their psychological pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a scientific and systematic mechanism for cultivating psychological qualities, clarify cultivation goals, design targeted educational content, and innovate cultivation methods, such as using online platforms. Building a mechanism for cultivating the psychological qualities of post-2000 university students is a systematic project that requires us to start from multiple aspects and form a joint force of family, university, and society in education. Through these efforts, we hope to cultivate more post-2000 university students with healthy psychology and excellent qualities, and contribute to the prosperity and development of society.


Positive psychology; University students born in the 2000s; Psychological quality; Cultivation path; Mechanism research