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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Promotion of Rural Revitalization Strategy Implementation in Cultural and Rural Development Environment

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.091


Yu Xia

Corresponding Author

Yu Xia


In the context of cultural rural development, the implementation path of rural revitalization presents a diversified and deepening characteristic. We must adhere to the roots of rural culture, protect and inherit rich rural cultural heritage, and allow the unique charm of the countryside to continue. Strengthen the construction of cultural facilities, improve the level of public services, ensure that farmers can enjoy high-quality cultural products and services, and meet their growing spiritual and cultural needs. We should not be satisfied with tradition, but actively introduce innovative and creative elements, promote the development of rural cultural industries, create cultural brands with local characteristics, and improve the competitiveness and sustainable development ability of rural economy. In the realm of cultural rural progress, a specific approach involves fostering a profound fusion between rural culture and tourism. This entails transforming the pristine natural vistas, distinctive cultural landscapes, and vibrant folk traditions of rural regions into alluring tourism assets. The aim is to draw in a wider influx of tourists, offering them an immersive experience, and thereby breathing fresh life into the rural economy. By implementing this concerted set of initiatives, we can advance the holistic revitalization of rural areas, fostering a harmonious alignment of economic growth and societal well-being.


Cultural rural development; Rural revitalization