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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Construction of Local Ecological Circle for High Quality Training of Food and Drug Testing Talents in Vocational Schools

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.089


Jingjing Shi

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Jingjing Shi


This article aims to build a high-quality local ecological circle, so as to improve the training quality of food and drug testing talents in vocational schools. Therefore, this article deeply analyzes the current situation of personnel training in food and drug testing specialty in vocational schools, and reveals the existing problems and shortcomings. Based on the concept of "ecosystem" in ecology, this article puts forward a theoretical framework for the construction of local ecological circle, and expounds in detail the roles of government, schools and enterprises in the ecological circle, as well as the practical mode of school-enterprise cooperation and integration of production and education. The results show that this strategy can significantly improve the training quality of food and drug testing talents in vocational schools and make them better adapt to market demand. This study not only provides specific improvement direction for vocational schools, but also provides paths and suggestions for the government and enterprises to participate in talent training.


Vocational schools; Food and drug testing; Local ecosystem; School enterprise cooperation; Integration of industry and education