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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

An Empirical Study on the Construction of a Model of Entrepreneurship Competence for University Students from the Perspective of Craftsmanship Spirit

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.088


Hongqing Qin, Songtao Wang

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Hongqing Qin


University students are the elite of the country, and their entrepreneurial activities not only affect the fate of individuals, but also profoundly affect the country's economic development and social innovation. Therefore, educators should attach great importance to and support university students' entrepreneurial activities and provide strong support and help for their entrepreneurship. This paper discusses the relationship between craftsman spirit and university students' entrepreneurial competence through empirical research, and analyzes the influence of craftsman spirit on entrepreneurial competence through questionnaire survey and data analysis. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between craftsman spirit and entrepreneurial competence, and craftsman spirit has a positive impact on improving university students' entrepreneurial competence. This research provides a new perspective and train of thought for entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, and emphasizes the importance of cultivating students' craftsman spirit. By integrating the spirit of artisans, entrepreneurship education is expected to improve students' entrepreneurial ability more effectively and promote the cultivation of entrepreneurial talents and economic development.


Craftsman spirit; University students; Entrepreneurial competence