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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovation and Development of "Dual Teacher" Team Construction in Universities from the Perspective of Human Resource Management

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.086


Chuan Liao

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Chuan Liao


The purpose of this study is to explore the innovative development of "double-qualified teachers" team construction in universities from the perspective of Human resource management (HRM). This article deeply analyzes the present situation, problems and challenges of the team construction of "double-qualified teachers" in universities, and reveals its influencing factors. The results show that, although universities pay more and more attention to "double-qualified teachers", there are still some problems such as unclear selection criteria and imperfect training mechanism. Based on this, this article puts forward a series of targeted suggestions, including clarifying the selection criteria, perfecting the training mechanism, establishing the incentive mechanism and strengthening the team culture construction. This study not only provides theoretical support and practical guidance for the team construction of "double-qualified teachers" in universities, but also provides new ideas and directions for future related research.


Double-qualified teacher; Team building; Human resource management; Innovative development; Higher education