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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Path of Ecological Civilization Construction in Rural Areas of Western Jilin Province under the Background of Rural Revitalization

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.084


Jin Lijing

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Jin Lijing


As the rural revitalization strategy gains momentum, rural ecological civilization construction emerges as a pivotal force for rural economic transformation and advancement. Central to the rural revitalization effort, this construction holds immense importance for fostering sustainable development and safeguarding farmers' welfare in rural areas. In the current context, rural ecological civilization encompasses not only the rural environment but also serves as the foundation for comprehensive rural economic and social progress. While the western region of Jilin boasts distinctive natural resources and ecological benefits, it confronts challenges like environmental degradation and ecological disruption. A pressing concern is how to foster rural ecological civilization scientifically and effectively, while maintaining agricultural growth, to attain green, ecological, and long-term sustainability. This article delves into the rural revitalization backdrop and examines the pathway for ecological civilization development in the western Jilin countryside. Through a thorough analysis of the local rural ecological backdrop, alongside domestic and international best practices, the article offers a range of practical and viable strategies and recommendations.


Rural revitalization Rural areas in western Jilin; Ecological civilization construction