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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Promoting Innovation in Ideological and Political Education through Cultural Education in the New Media Era

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.082


Huang Chuxing

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Huang Chuxing


As technology evolves rapidly, the emergence of the new media era has silently transformed the way information is disseminated and societal interactions occur. This era of information proliferation poses both formidable challenges and remarkable prospects for ideological and political education (IPE). The widespread embrace of new media technology not only introduces novel avenues and platforms for IPE, but also calls for heightened standards in content, format, and delivery. Against this backdrop, harnessing the power of cultural education to foster innovation in IPE has become imperative. Cultural education, as a distinctive approach, aims to influence and mold individuals' thoughts, ethics, and behaviors through the strength of culture. This article delves into practical means of leveraging cultural education to drive innovation in IPE within the evolving new media landscape. Initially, the article examines the defining characteristics of the new media era and their ramifications on IPE. It then delves into the significance of cultural education in IPE, as well as strategies to innovate cultural education in the context of new media. Ultimately, the article outlines practical measures to promote innovation in IPE through cultural education in the new media era.


New media; Cultural education; Ideological and political education