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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Promotion of Reform and Innovation in University Students' Ideological and Political Education within the Emerging Media Environment

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.080


Yuzhen Guo

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Yuzhen Guo


This article aims to explore the reform and innovation of university students' Ideological and Political Education (IPE) under the emerging media environment. From the perspective of educational communication and psychology, this article analyzes the influence of emerging media on university students' thinking and behavior, as well as the advantages and limitations of educational communication. In addition, the practical path of reform and innovation of IPE for university students under the emerging media environment is deeply discussed, including the innovation of teaching content and methods, the expansion and optimization of educational platform and the improvement of educational evaluation and feedback mechanism. The results show that the emerging media environment has brought new challenges and opportunities to the IPE of university students, which requires educators to keep up with the pace of the times, make full use of the advantages of emerging media, and innovate educational methods and methods to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of education. Furthermore, this article also points out the shortcomings of the current IPE of university students in the emerging media environment, and puts forward corresponding improvement strategies and suggestions.


Emerging media environment; Ideological and Political Education; University students; Reform and innovation; Educational communication; Psychological perspective