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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Importance and Practical Methods of Introducing Japanese Culture into Japanese Language Teaching

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.077


Leqi Chen

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Leqi Chen


Introducing Japanese culture into Japanese language teaching is a crucial measure, which has significant implications for improving teaching quality and stimulating student learning enthusiasm. In the process of introduction, principles such as pertinence, scientificity, representativeness, moderation, hierarchy, and periodicity should be adhered to to to ensure the deep integration of culture and language teaching. In practice, it is necessary to change the concept of education and teaching, and make cultural teaching an important component of Japanese language teaching. Improving the level of Japanese culture among teachers is crucial, as their cultural literacy will directly affect students' understanding and interest in Japanese culture. By utilizing modern information technology, cultural teaching resources can be effectively expanded. By introducing Japanese culture, Japanese language teaching will no longer be limited to imparting language knowledge. Students can gain a deeper understanding of Japanese history, art, customs, etc. during the learning process, thereby enhancing their interest and motivation in learning Japanese. This not only helps to improve students' learning outcomes, but also cultivates their cross-cultural communication skills, laying a solid foundation for future international exchanges.


Japanese language teaching; Japanese culture; Importance; Practical methods