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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Difficulties and Countermeasures of International Intellectual Property Protection in the Network Environment

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.075


Xinyi Deng

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Xinyi Deng


The growth of internet technology and the pace of globalization have introduced new hurdles for safeguarding intellectual property on a global scale. While the digital landscape has greatly facilitated the creation, sharing, and implementation of intellectual property, it has equally heightened the intricacies of transnational violations, thus complicating the task of preserving these rights. This piece offers an overview of the present state of intellectual property on the international stage and delves into the challenges of securing these rights in the digital sphere. It also explores the prospects for leveraging the online environment to enhance intellectual property protection, such as harnessing innovative technologies to safeguard these assets. In light of these discussions, targeted strategies for protecting international intellectual property in the digital age are recommended. As a transformative force in contemporary society, the digital realm offers a vast stage for the generation and utilization of intellectual property while presenting new frontiers for its defense.


Network environment; International intellectual property protection; Difficulties and countermeasures