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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Mechanism and Path of Industrial Internet Platform Promoting the Deep Integration of Advanced Manufacturing Industry and Modern Service Industry

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.073


Ying Zhu

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Ying Zhu


Owing to the constant progress of the domestic economy, China’s economic structure has also reached a critical period of transformation and upgrading. Manufacturing and service industries are essential components of China’s economy. Accelerating the deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries is an inevitable requirement for social and economic progress. Owing to the era context of “Internet plus”, this paper analyzes the mechanism of deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry in detail, explores the current situation and existing problems of the integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry in China at the current stage, and proposes effective paths to push the deep integration with the industrial Internet platform, hoping to offer help for the deep integration.


Internet; Advanced manufacturing and modern service industries; Dual industry integration; Path research