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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Cross-border Electronic Commerce's Development Trend and Challenges in International Trade

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.072


Sujie Wei

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Sujie Wei


This paper studies and analyzes the development trend and challenges of cross-border electronic commerce (CBEC) in international trade. Firstly, the paper introduces the definition and background of CBEC, and summarizes the rapid development of CBEC in the world. Secondly, the paper analyzes the development trend of CBEC, including the growth of consumer demand in emerging markets, the promotion of technological innovation, international cooperation and the formulation of standards. Then, the paper discusses the challenges faced by CBEC, including cross-border payment and settlement issues, cross-border tax and regulatory problems, cross-border logistics and supply chain difficulties, cross-border intellectual property protection issues, cross-border data security and privacy protection challenges. Finally, this paper draws a conclusion that CBEC industry has great development potential, but it also faces many challenges and problems. Only by fully recognizing the development trend and problems faced by the industry and taking effective measures to solve them can the sustainable development of the industry in CBEC be realized.


International Trade; Cross-border electronic commerce; Development Trend; Challenges