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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Effectiveness analysis and optimization suggestions of women's poverty alleviation policy in rural regional development

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.071


Zixuan Liu

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Zixuan Liu


The purpose of this paper is to make an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of women's poverty alleviation policy in rural regional development and put forward corresponding optimization suggestions. Through the investigation and evaluation of the implementation of poverty alleviation policy for women in rural areas of China in recent years, it is found that the policy has achieved certain results in improving women's poverty alleviation rate, increasing income sources and improving living conditions. However, there are also some problems and challenges, such as structural problems, implementation problems and environmental factors, which restrict the effectiveness of the policy. In view of these problems, this paper puts forward a series of optimization suggestions and improvement measures, including strengthening women's education, improving employment opportunities, strengthening financial support, reforming existing policies, and perfecting laws and regulations. By continuously optimizing policy measures and solving existing problems, the effectiveness and implementation effect of poverty alleviation policy for women in rural areas can be further improved and the sustainable development of rural areas can be promoted.


women's poverty alleviation policy; Effectiveness; optimization suggestions; rural regional development