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Chinese Elements and Cross-cultural Dialogue in American Poetry in the 1920s and 1930s

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.069


Hongju Zhang

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Hongju Zhang


This paper makes a detailed study of the elements of China in American poetry in the 1920s and 1930s and the cross-cultural communication embodied in them. It is found that the introduction of Chinese culture has a profound influence on American poetry, which not only enriches the image and connotation of poetry, but also promotes the diversification of styles and themes of American poetry. The specific case analysis reveals the ingenious application of Chinese elements in American poetry, such as quoting Chinese classical poems and integrating Chinese philosophical thoughts. At the same time, this study also discusses the forms of cross-cultural dialogue in American poetry and its promotion to American poetry creation. The results show that Chinese element and cross-cultural dialogue not only enhance the artistic value of American poetry, but also promote the mutual understanding and integration of Chinese and Western cultures. This study provides a historical reference for cultural exchange under the background of globalization, and enlightens contemporary literary creation to pay attention to the importance of cross-cultural exchange.


1920s and 1930s; Cross-cultural dialogue; Chinese element; American poetry; Culture blend