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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovative Expression of Liao Khitan Culture in Three-dimensional Scene Shaping

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.068


Wen Xu, Bo Zhang

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Wen Xu


Liao Khitan culture, as an important part of ancient northern ethnic culture in China, has rich historical and cultural values. However, with the changes of the times, its inheritance faces many challenges. Therefore, this study uses three-dimensional (3D) scene modeling technology to show the unique charm of Liao Khitan culture in a novel way. In order to achieve this goal, this article deeply analyzes the core elements of Liao Khitan culture, such as clothing, architecture, art, etc., and presents these elements in the 3D scene with high precision and realistic visual effects by using 3D modeling, mapping and animation. Furthermore, the paper pays attention to user experience and designs rich interactive functions, so that users can understand and experience Liao Khitan culture in a more intuitive and interesting way. The research results show that the communication effect of Liao Khitan culture is significantly improved through the innovative expression of 3D scenes. Users can not only feel the charm of culture personally, but also deepen their understanding and recognition of culture through interactive experience. This achievement has injected new vitality into the inheritance and development of Liao Khitan culture.


Liao Khitan culture; 3D; Scene shaping; Innovative expression