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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Quality control and countermeasure analysis of highway engineering supervision in construction

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.067


Jianglong Wang

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Jianglong Wang


Currently, the process of urban-rural integration construction in China has been rapidly promoted, which has led to the rapid integration of urban-rural infrastructure construction. As a result, communication and connections between cities and rural areas have been strengthened, which is more conducive to the further connection and integration of urban and rural economies. The construction of urban and rural highway engineering needs to consider multiple different aspects, in order to further improve the capacity and level of highway infrastructure construction, ensure the quality of urban and rural highway engineering construction, and thus improve the efficiency and economic benefits of highway construction. This article explores the quality control and countermeasure analysis of engineering establishment in construction, and will explore the characteristics and demand points of highway engineering construction. At the end of the article, several feasible solutions will be proposed.


highway engineering; construction supervision; quality control