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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovation of Information Management System in the Context of Big Data

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.065


Tianlin Mao

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Tianlin Mao


In this article, the innovation direction of Information Management System (IMS) is comprehensively discussed by combining in-depth theoretical analysis and case study. In terms of technological innovation, this article focuses on the application of cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning in IMS. The application of these technologies enables the IMS to process and analyze large-scale data more efficiently and provide valuable data insight for enterprises. On the level of management innovation, this article discusses the improvement of data governance mechanism and the strengthening of information security and privacy protection. By establishing a sound data management process, enterprises can ensure the accuracy, security and compliance of data, thus protecting key data assets and optimizing operational efficiency. In terms of service innovation, this article focuses on the provision of personalized service and the continuous optimization of customer experience. By collecting and analyzing user data, IMS provides customized services and improved user interface to enhance user satisfaction and loyalty. Through the case analysis of IMS innovation in advanced enterprises, this article finds that innovation has significantly improved the data processing ability, operational efficiency and customer satisfaction of enterprises.


Big data; Information management system; Enterprise; Innovate