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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Instructional Mode of Chinese Language and Literature Based on System Theory in the Network Environment

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.061


Xiaoyu Lin

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Xiaoyu Lin


The purpose of this article is to explore the influence of system theory on the instructional mode of Chinese language and literature (CLL), and analyze the characteristics and challenges of CLL teaching under the network environment. Firstly, this article summarizes the present situation of CLL teaching under the network environment, and reveals the opportunities and challenges it faces. Then, based on the system theory, an innovative network instructional model is designed, which covers the systematic design of teaching objectives and contents, the network innovation of teaching methods and means, and the establishment of instructional assessment and feedback mechanism. Through empirical research and effect assessment, it is found that this model has remarkable effect in improving students' learning interest, autonomous learning ability and comprehensive quality, and is widely welcomed by teachers and students. The research results show that the online instructional mode of CLL based on system theory can effectively meet the teaching challenges under the network environment and improve the instructional quality.


Network environment; System theory; CLL; Model of instruction