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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Living Inheritance of Dong Ethnic Traditional Craftsmanship from the Perspective of Cultural Identity

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.060


Xianfei Liang

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Xianfei Liang


This paper aims to explore the dynamic inheritance of traditional Dong crafts from the perspective of cultural identity. Combining literature review and field research, this study deeply analyzes the historical background, current status, and contemporary inheritance modes of Dong traditional crafts. Despite challenges posed by modernization and globalization, Dong traditional crafts maintain their unique cultural value and social significance. The paper highlights that strengthening cultural identity is a key factor in promoting the dynamic inheritance of Dong traditional crafts. Enhancing public awareness and respect for the value of traditional crafts, as well as stimulating the interest of younger generations in their inheritance, can effectively promote the transmission and development of Dong culture. This paper provides new perspectives and thoughts on understanding and protecting ethnic cultural heritage, especially against the backdrop of rapid development and societal diversification.


Dong Ethnic Group, Cultural Identity, Traditional Crafts, Dynamic Inheritance