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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Exploring Optimization Strategies for Teaching Quality from the Perspective of Self-efficacy of Vocational College Teachers

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.055


Na Chang, Dr Zainudin Mohd Isa

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Na Chang


The self-efficacy of vocational college teachers has a significant impact on teaching quality, and its improvement is the key to optimizing teaching quality. Teachers with high self-efficacy have more prominent teaching enthusiasm and innovative spirit, which can create a positive teaching atmosphere and effectively stimulate students' interest in learning. To enhance teacher self-efficacy, multi-dimensional teaching quality optimization strategies should be implemented, including strengthening teacher professional development and skill training, constructing a scientific teaching evaluation system, deepening teacher-student interaction and cooperation, and strengthening teaching reflection and summary. These measures aim to enhance the self-confidence and teaching ability of teachers, and promote the steady improvement of teaching quality. The implementation of this process requires long-term and systematic efforts, as well as widespread attention and support from the entire society. We should attach great importance to the impact of self-efficacy of vocational college teachers on teaching quality, actively take effective measures to continuously improve their self-efficacy, and lay a solid foundation for the sustainable and healthy development of vocational education.


Vocational college teachers; Self efficacy; Teacher quality; Optimization