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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Public Service Advertising Creation Based on Core Values Communication

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.052


Xiaona Zhu

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Xiaona Zhu


Public service advertising, as an important carrier of disseminating socialist core values, plays a crucial role in promoting social integrity and enhancing public civilization. Through creative and artistic forms of expression, public service advertising concretizes and enlivens abstract core values, making them deeply ingrained in people's hearts. There are still some shortcomings in the dissemination of core values in current public service advertising, such as insufficient creativity and single expression methods. To improve this situation, it is necessary to deeply explore the connotation of core values, innovate expression methods, and pay attention to the positioning of the target audience and the creation of emotional resonance. By accurately grasping the psychological needs of the audience and using appropriate artistic techniques, public service advertising can better guide the public to form correct values and behavioral habits. Integrating traditional culture and regional characteristics can also inject richer cultural connotations into public service advertisements and enhance their dissemination effectiveness. We should continue to explore the innovative development path of public service advertising, and contribute more to building a harmonious society and promoting social civilization progress.


Core values; Spread; Public service advertising creation