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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Cultivation Path of Network Civilization Literacy for Vocational College Students in The New Era

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.051


Mingming Zhao

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Mingming Zhao


With the rapid development and popularization of the Internet, students in vocational colleges have been deeply influenced and infiltrated by the network media. In this new era of digitization and informatization, the internet has become an important platform for students to obtain information, exchange ideas, and carry out learning. However, the complexity of the online world has also brought unprecedented challenges to students, such as the difficulty in distinguishing the authenticity of online information and the misconduct of online behavior. Therefore, enhancing the network civilization literacy of vocational college students is of great and far-reaching significance for promoting their comprehensive development, optimizing the ideological and political education system, and promoting the construction of societal network civilization. This article is dedicated to studying the cultivation path of network civilization literacy for vocational college students in the new era. Through in-depth analysis of the characteristics and existing problems of online behavior among vocational college students, combined with the educational characteristics and resource advantages of vocational colleges, a series of practical and feasible cultivation measures have been proposed. The implementation of these measures aims to help vocational college students establish correct network values and behavioral norms, enhance their network civilization literacy, and enable them to grow healthily and develop comprehensively in the online world.


The new era; Vocational college students; Network civilization literacy; Cultivation path