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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Application of Digital Audio Design in Virtual Reality Art

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.045


Xue Wu

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Xue Wu


The purpose of this study is to explore the effective application of digital audio design in Virtual Reality (VR) art. Through the comprehensive use of various methods, this paper deeply analyzes how to combine digital audio design with VR technology, thus enhancing the immersion and interactivity of art. The research results show that digital audio design plays an important role in VR art. Through background music, sound effect design and voice interaction, it not only creates a rich artistic atmosphere, but also significantly enhances the interactive experience of users. The main point of this study is that digital audio design is the key element to improve the artistic expression and user experience of VR. Based on this, this paper puts forward suggestions and prospects for future research, expecting that digital audio design can play a greater innovative role in VR art, and constantly optimize the user experience to meet the increasingly diverse artistic needs.


Virtual reality art; Digital audio design; Immersion; Interactive experience; User Experience