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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Interaction Design and User Experience in Digital Media Visual Art

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.044


Yang Wang

Corresponding Author

Yang Wang


With the rapid development of technology, digital media design is gradually emerging. The field of digital media visual arts is experiencing a deep integration of interaction design and user experience. Interaction design follows the principle of user centeredness, emphasizing the efficiency of information communication and the convenience of user operations. Through continuous optimization and iteration, the quality of the work is improved. User experience emphasizes precise understanding of user needs, meticulous refinement of work details, and full utilization of interactivity to bring users a pleasant user experience. The combination of the two not only enriches the expression forms of digital media visual art, but also enhances the emotional connection between works and users. With the rapid development of technology, interaction design and user experience will continue to drive innovation in this field, bringing people a more exciting and convenient artistic experience. In the future, with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, the application of interaction design and user experience in digital media visual art will be more extensive and in-depth, bringing more innovation and surprises to our lives.


Digital media visual art; Interaction design; User experience