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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Recognition and Practice of Socialist Core Values in College Students' Ideological and Political Education

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.042


Jiameng Wang

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Jiameng Wang


The purpose of this study is to explore the identification and practice of Socialist Core Values (SCV) in college students' ideological and political education (IPE), and analyze the influencing factors and countermeasures. Through literature review, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, relevant data are collected, and statistical analysis and in-depth discussion are made. The results show that most college students have a high degree of recognition of SCV, but there are some differences in specific behavior practice. Family education, school education and social environment are important factors that affect college students' SCV recognition and practice. The construction of teachers plays a key role in college students' IPE. Based on this premise, the study proposes enhancing collaboration between family and school education, fostering a conducive social and cultural atmosphere, and reinforcing teacher training and management. These efforts aim to enhance college students' understanding and application of SCV, nurturing well-rounded individuals with moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor development, thus shaping them into proficient builders and successors of socialism.


Ideological and Political Education; College Students; Socialist Core Values; Recognition and Practice