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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovation Path of Educational Economic Management under the Background of Informatization

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.041


Dong Wang

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Dong Wang


This article aims to explore the innovative path of educational economic management under the background of informationization. This article deeply analyzes the present situation, problems and challenges of educational economic management informatization, and puts forward targeted innovation strategies. It is found that informatization plays an important role in improving the efficiency of educational economic management and optimizing resource allocation, but there are also problems such as data security and teachers' lack of information literacy. Based on this, this article puts forward some suggestions such as strengthening the construction of information infrastructure, improving teachers' information literacy, and building an economic management platform for smart education. The results of this article not only provide practical guidance for educational institutions, but also point out the direction for future research. In the future, with the support of big data, cloud computing and other technologies, the informatization of educational economic management will achieve more refined and intelligent management, and make greater contributions to improving the quality of education and management efficiency.


Informatization; Educational economic management; Innovation path