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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The integration and development trend of film and TV industry in the new media era

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.040


Wanli Tian

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Wanli Tian


The arrival of the new media era has a profound impact on the development pattern of the film and television industry, and industrial integration and innovation have become one of the main trends. This paper studies and analyzes the integration and development trend of film and television industry in the new media era, and reveals the important phenomena and trends. First of all, the paper discusses the impact of the rapid development of new media technology on the industry, especially the rise of streaming media platforms and the popularity of content creation tools, which have brought brand-new development opportunities to the industry. Secondly, the paper deeply analyzes the trend of industrial integration. The traditional film and television industry is gradually integrating with the new media platform, and the industrial boundary is becoming more and more blurred, which promotes the cooperation and coordination between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. In addition, the paper also discusses the role of personalized recommendation and data-driven content creation in industrial development. By collecting and analyzing user data, the industry can better understand users' needs, provide personalized and accurate content recommendation, and improve users' viewing experience and satisfaction. On the whole, this paper discusses the integration and development trend of film and television industry in the new media era, aiming at providing new perspectives and ideas for industrial development.


integration and development; TV industry; new media era; film