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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Development Strategy of Ice Printmaking in the Contemporary Art Market

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.039


Yan Sun

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Yan Sun


Ice print, as a unique art form, is gradually gaining attention in the contemporary art market. It combines traditional ice carving techniques with modern aesthetic concepts, showcasing the purity and coldness of ice. Ice print still faces challenges in the market and needs to develop strategies. It is crucial to enhance the brand awareness and influence of ice printmaking, and expand its popularity and audience through promotion, art exhibitions, and other means. Expand sales channels, combine online and offline, collaborate with galleries and art institutions, and provide more opportunities for showcasing and selling works. Innovative creative concepts and techniques are the key to the development of ice printmaking, and it is necessary to continuously tap into its intrinsic value, explore new forms of expression, and meet contemporary aesthetic needs. By enhancing brand awareness, expanding sales channels, innovating creative concepts, and strengthening international exchanges, ice print is expected to achieve better development in the contemporary art market and showcase its unique artistic charm.


Ice print; The art market; Development strategy