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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Innovative Path of Ethnic Art Education under the Background of Multicultural Education

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.038


Yue Shi, Chao Shi

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Yue Shi


In the context of multicultural education, ethnic art education is undergoing profound changes. The traditional education model is no longer able to meet the needs of modern society, so innovating the path and methods of ethnic art education is particularly crucial. We need to start from multiple dimensions such as curriculum design, teaching methods, teacher development, and international exchanges, break down traditional barriers, integrate multicultural elements, introduce modern information technology, strengthen practical teaching, and cultivate a teacher team with international perspectives and cross-cultural communication abilities. At the same time, we should actively expand international exchanges and cooperation, push our domestic art to the world stage, and enhance international influence. Through these measures, we aim to promote the innovative development of ethnic art education, better adapt to the needs of the times, and lay a solid foundation for cultivating talents with comprehensive qualities and innovative spirit. Looking ahead to the future, we look forward to ethnic art education, under the promotion of multicultural education, blooming with more brilliant brilliance, and making positive contributions to building a more harmonious and inclusive society.


Multicultural education; Ethnic art education; Innovate