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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Rise and Application Strategies of Virtual Idol in Brand Marketing

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.037


Jiena Lu, Kaiwen Liu

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Jiena Lu


The purpose of this article is to explore the reasons for the rise of virtual idols in brand marketing and their application strategies. Through detailed analysis, this article understands that virtual idols, as a new brand marketing method, are playing an increasingly important role in the modern market environment. The research uses case analysis and other methods to systematically sort out the development process of virtual idols, the comparison with traditional idols, and its specific application strategies in brand marketing. The research results show that the rise of virtual idols benefits from the progress of science and technology and the changes of consumers' aesthetics. Their unique visual impact, diverse forms of expression and strong interactive ability enable them to quickly attract consumers' attention and establish deep emotional ties with them. In brand marketing, the application strategies of virtual idols include selecting suitable virtual idols according to brand positioning, formulating integrated marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness and user participation, and enhancing interaction with fans through social media platforms. Enterprises should actively embrace this change, skillfully use virtual idols to enhance brand value and enhance consumer appeal, so as to stand out in the fierce market competition.


Virtual idols; Brand marketing; Brand positioning; Social media interaction