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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Study on the Guidance of Online Public Opinion and Ideological and Political Education for College Students

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.036


Yanru Liu

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Yanru Liu


The rapid development of the Internet has profoundly changed the lifestyle of university students. They express their views and exchange emotions through the network platform. Network public opinion has an increasingly significant impact on university students' thinking and behavior. The diversity and complexity of online public opinion (OPO) also have an impact on the thinking of university students, and some negative and unhealthy online public opinion may even mislead their behavioral choices. Strengthening the ideological and political education (IPE) guidance of online public opinion for university students is particularly important. By strengthening network literacy education, establishing a sound mechanism for guiding online public opinion, and strengthening campus cultural construction, we can effectively guide university students to form correct value orientation and form a strong positive online public opinion. IPE plays an important guiding role in OPO, providing a ideological foundation for the healthy development of OPO and guiding it towards a positive and healthy direction. We should attach great importance to this work, continuously innovate and guide methods, and contribute to the cultivation of outstanding talents with noble moral character and good sense of social responsibility.


Online public opinion; Ideological and political education