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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovation of Business Administration Mode Based on Big Data

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.035


Kaiwen Liu, Jiena Lu

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Kaiwen Liu


In this article, the application value of big data (BD) in business administration, the necessity of business administration model innovation and the innovation path driven by BD are deeply studied. It is found that BD has brought revolutionary changes to business administration and significantly improved management efficiency and market insight. Through case analysis, it shows the concrete results of the innovation practice of business administration based on BD, and also reveals the challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the innovation model. This article also predicts the future trend of business administration model innovation, including the normalization of data-driven decision-making, the popularization of intelligent management and more accurate personalized service. In addition, the paper puts forward policy suggestions and research prospects, and calls on the government to increase its support for BD technology and strengthen the construction of relevant laws and regulations. This study not only provides a useful reference for practitioners in the field of business administration, but also points out the direction for follow-up research.


Big data; Business administration; Mode innovation