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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

An Analysis of the Aesthetic Thought and Artistic Expression Techniques of Ancient Chinese Landscape Painting

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.033


Yuxuan Li

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Yuxuan Li


Ancient Chinese landscape painting stands out in the history of Chinese painting, with its aesthetic ideas and artistic expression techniques showcasing the vastness and profoundness of Chinese culture. Through clever composition and unique brushstroke techniques, painters vividly depict the form, texture, and charm of natural landscapes. They pursue not only similarity in form, but also similarity in spirit, aiming to express the inner spirit and artistic conception of mountains and rivers through pen and ink. In the creation of landscape painting, the use of brush and ink is particularly crucial. It not only reflects the emotions and cultivation of painters, but also carries rich cultural connotations and aesthetic values. Painters use the combination of points, lines, and surfaces, as well as the variation of ink intensity, to perfectly showcase the agility and charm of mountains and rivers. At the same time, the use of light, shadow, and color also adds a sense of hierarchy and dimensionality to the picture, making the landscape more vivid. Ancient Chinese landscape painting also emphasized the combination of poetry and painting, integrating poetic meaning into the painting, making the picture full of poetry and philosophy. This way of expression not only enriches the connotation of landscape painting, but also enhances its artistic value. Ancient Chinese landscape painting, with its unique aesthetic ideas and artistic expression techniques, showcases the charm and wisdom of Chinese culture, providing valuable inspiration and reference for future artistic creation.


Ancient Chinese landscape painting; Aesthetic ideas; Artistic expression techniques