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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovation Mode and Management Strategy of Cultural Industry Integration

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.031


Ting Li

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Ting Li


The purpose of this paper is to deeply discuss the innovation mode and management strategy of cultural industry integration. Firstly, this paper summarizes the importance and background of cultural industry integration and innovation, and points out that it is the key driving force to promote the development of cultural industry. Then, it analyzes the present situation of cultural industry integration innovation model in detail, including specific applications, challenges and opportunities, and future trends. Furthermore, from the perspective of management strategy, this paper discusses the importance and formulation principles of management strategy, discusses the strategies in organizational structure, human resource management, project management and collaborative innovation, and risk management, and shows the successful practice of management strategy through case analysis. The research results show that the integration and innovation of cultural industries is of great significance to enhance the core competitiveness of cultural industries, and effective management strategies are the key to achieve this goal. This paper not only provides a new perspective for the theoretical research of cultural industry, but also provides practical guidance for the innovative development of cultural industry.


Cultural industry; Fusion innovation; Management strategy; Challenges and opportunities