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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovation in English Language under AIGC Technology: A Reexamination of Meaning and Communication in Language Philosophy

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.030


Jing Li

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Jing Li


AIGC technology is a new technology with wide application prospect. This study focuses on English language innovation under AIGC technology, aiming at re-examining the meaning and communication in language philosophy. Through the comprehensive use of literature analysis, empirical research and case analysis, this study deeply discusses how AIGC technology promotes the innovation of English language, and further analyzes how these innovations affect the construction of meaning and the realization of communication at the level of language philosophy. The results show that AIGC technology presents remarkable innovation in English language, including the creation of vocabulary, the variation of syntactic structure and the richness of semantic expression. These innovations have challenged the traditional philosophy of language to some extent, especially in the aspects of meaning and the essence of communication. AIGC technology not only expands the expressive ability of language, but also provides more possibilities for communication, making the process of meaning construction more dynamic and diverse.


AIGC technology; English; Language innovation; Philosophy of language; Connect