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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Innovation of University Ideological and Political Education Model with the Fundamental Task of Cultivating Virtue and Talents

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.028


Liyuan Guo

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Liyuan Guo


Firstly, this article analyzes the characteristics of the traditional ideological and political education (IPE) model and the challenges it faces, such as the low participation of students and the disconnection of educational content from the times, and then points out the lack of the idea of cultivating people by virtue in IPE. In order to meet these challenges, this article puts forward a new mode of IPE that integrates the idea of moral education, including the student-centered teaching concept and the curriculum design that combines moral education with practice. By innovating instructional methods and means, such as mixed teaching mode, case teaching and situational teaching, and strengthening the practical links of moral education, such as social practice and voluntary service, campus culture and community activities, the effect of IPE can be comprehensively improved. Through the implementation of these strategies, it is found that the innovative IPE model not only stimulates students' interest and enthusiasm in learning, but also significantly improves their moral literacy and social responsibility. Furthermore, students have exercised their abilities in practice and realized the all-round development of knowledge, skills and attitudes.


"Foster Morality and Cultivate People"; Ideological and political education; Mode innovation