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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Integration Path of Ideological and Political Education Curriculum and Socialist Core Values in the New Era

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.027


Zhujun Feng

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Zhujun Feng


This article strives to investigate the pathway for integrating ideological and political education (IPE) courses with socialist core values in modern universities. By conducting a comprehensive exploration of the central tenets of socialist core values, alongside the teaching goals of IPE courses and their interconnectedness, the article proposes precise methods for achieving this integration, along with practical implementation strategies. By embedding socialist core values within university IPE courses, students' ideological and moral standards can be elevated, while fostering a stronger sense of social obligation and societal affiliation. To realize this ambition, several implementation tactics are suggested, including the establishment of clear curriculum benchmarks, reinforcement of educator training and educational resource expansion, the creation of a multifaceted evaluation framework and motivation system, as well as the implementation of a long-term feedback loop and educational refinement process. Through the execution of these strategies, the efficient assimilation of socialist core values into university IPE courses can be guaranteed, ultimately paving the way for nurturing a new generation poised to lead societal renewal.


New era; Ideological and political education courses; Socialist core values; mix together