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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Integration Path of Ideological and Political Courses in Universities in the New Era and Socialist Core Values

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.026


Aoran Di

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Aoran Di


The core socialist values, as the spiritual cornerstone of socialism with Chinese characteristics, are of great significance for the growth and development of young students. As an important platform for spreading and promoting this value, ideological and political (IPE) courses in universities face multiple challenges such as updating teaching content, innovating teaching methods, and improving evaluation systems. Currently, IPE courses need to closely integrate with the development of the times, update teaching content, make it more closely related to the actual situation of students, and enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of the course. Introduce more interactive and discussion sessions to stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm in learning, and cultivate their ability to think independently and solve problems. The main body responsible for this initiative is the educational institution or the school administration. They aim to build a scientific and comprehensive evaluation system, focusing on the comprehensive evaluation of students' ideological and political qualities, values, and other aspects, in order to better reflect their ideological and political level and comprehensive quality. Only through continuous reform and innovation can IPE courses in universities better shoulder the important mission of cultivating successors to the socialist cause and provide strong talent support for socialist modernization construction.


Ideological and political courses; Socialist core values; Fusion path