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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Cultural Consciousness and Cultural Confidence Cultivation in College Ideological and Political Education from a Global Perspective

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2024.023


Xu Guan

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Xu Guan


In the context of globalization, there’s a close interactive relationship between cultural self-awareness and cultural confidence cultivation in ideological and political education(IPE) in universities. The enhancement of cultural consciousness enables students to have a deeper understanding and comprehension of their own culture, thereby enhancing cultural confidence and firming their cultural stance. And cultural confidence further promotes students to actively explore and learn about multiculturalism, forming an open and inclusive cultural attitude. This interactive relationship not only contributes to individual comprehensive development but also provides strong support for cultural exchange and international image shaping on a broader scale. College IPE effectively cultivates students' cultural self-awareness and cultural confidence through innovative teaching methods. Students can experience the charm of Chinese culture and the integration of diverse cultures in practice, thus becoming more confident in facing the challenges of globalization. University IPE should continue to deepen the cultivation of cultural consciousness and cultural confidence, guide students to embrace the world with an open attitude, and demonstrate the unique charm of Chinese culture with firm cultural confidence. This will help cultivate more outstanding talents with a global perspective and cross-cultural communication abilities, and contribute to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.


Globalization; College ideological and political education; Cultural self-awareness; Cultural confidence